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E-cigarettes are better that smoking vapoter

The ordinary cigarettes, because of the toxic substances produced by burning tobacco are much more harmful than electronic cigarette.

If the effects of long-term vapotage are unknown, the dangers of smoking are well established . It kills 73,000 people each year in France.

The electronic cigarette is an effective way to quit smoking: To date, the e-cigarette has not yet sufficiently proven smoking cessation. However, several reasons suggest it could be a promising alternative. First, it allows absorption of nicotine almost as fast as the conventional cigarette reproducing a sense of meaningful and comparable pleasure, while seemingly less addictive. The feeling of warmth and reproduction of gesture are other advantages.

Finally, a study published in The Lancet establishes for the first time comparable to the effectiveness of nicotine patches for a total stop for at least six months. It also allowed for smokers who have not completely stopped their consumption reduce by half.

It is therapeutic use can be recommended: The electronic cigarette is not actively given by doctors as a substitute due to the lack of scientific basis proving its effectiveness in smoking cessation. He was also accused of maintaining nicotine addiction .
Furthermore, quality standards are lacking for widespread use. Today, only a medical board, associated with tobacco use cessation (or alternative medicine), is recognized as a safe and effective method (you can find tips to quit smoking Tobacco – Info- Service).

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More moral electronic cigarette?

The tobacco industry has long been a hard oligopoly derives its huge profits from the addiction to nicotine . Faced with this huge public health problem, the action of the State in the last thirty years (taxation, ban in public places, communication, nicotine replacement ) proved ineffective in view of the volume of cigarettes sold year after year, the number of smokers, the risk of severe disease and death (estimated at 700,000 per year in the EU) due to inhalation of thermal combustion residues associated with tobacco consumption.

There emerged a decade ago, the electronic cigarette is now shoving this impasse. Made possible by technological advances in the field of batteries, electronic cigarette mimics the actions of smokers who breathe vapor propylene glycol often fragrant, metered or not nicotine. Propylene glycol is a certified product is not harmful, long used in the production of aerosols or artificial smoke shows.

Millions of smokers have quit smoking to adopt the electronic cigarette that is growing rapidly. According to they would be 7 million in Europe to use. In the United States, sales are expected to triple in 2014 compared to 2013. According to some projections, the electronic cigarette smoking may exceed ten years. France already has a dozen manufacturers and more than 500 specialty shops. The global oligopoly tobacco is witnessing the phenomenal success of this new industry while noting the erosion of its market power.

Consumers who replace tobacco electronic cigarette now receive their dose of nicotine without the devastating effects of thermal combustion residues responsible for most diseases. A public health problem that seemed irresolvable he is just there being strongly improve with the emergence of innovation and entrepreneurship . This appears to be a striking example of practicing the spontaneous and involuntary character of private enterprise .

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Also in the crosshairs of Brussels

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Take that as a conclusion of this survey ? First, this product is relatively new, has a very good image, and not to scare the French, it is seen as an alternative to the scourge of tobacco. However, these figures are not very encouraging enough to convince our leaders. The European Commission intends to toughen legislation around the electronic cigarette. Despite obtaining the European parliament keeping it in the category of consumer products running there a few weeks ago, the commission may revise the text and decide to classify as either a Vapoteuse derived from tobacco, or as a pharmaceutical.

And many other measures are planned, including the reduction of nicotine dosing and removal of different flavors . Refillable atomizers are also prohibited. Suffice to say that public opinion on the electronic cigarette is that few – if any – impact on European decisions, especially when large lobbies such as tobacco or pharmaceutical industry are also in the part . The new law, as expected by the various parties, is scheduled for 16 December.

Smoking in public places:

The prefectural decree states: “The use of the electronic cigarette, also called” e-cigarette ” is prohibited in places intended for public use, except in locations specifically for smoking. ” François Digard explained that the measure is the author responds to complaints he had received from several users of the public library, indisposed by steam enthusiasts of e-cigarette, which delighted in any vapoter reading.

This situation therefore happen again in Saint- Lô . In contrast, private institutions, such as restaurants, will continue to welcome their customers who have made the choice of e-cigarette, as that specified in the bylaw : “This provision applies to all public places and professionals assigned for collective use, including school, sports, cultural, festive, administrative, and in the means of transit dependent community”.

For private places, so it is up to each institution to decide what is allowed and what is not . Patrons of cafes and bars are mostly made ​​their choice, and we can say that the city of Saint- Lô is divided into two: those who believe that vapoteurs should be housed in the same boat as smoking and other.